Redykołka cheese

This kind of cheese is made in Podhale region from the remnants in the process of making oscypek cheese. Redykołka is frequently mistaken for oscypek, which is called its big sister. Redykołka cheese is not always smoked because of time constraints. In the past it was used as a gift from a shepherd for children or guests, always given in even numbers.

The skin of redykołka cheese is smooth and elastic, slightly rough in some places. It may be uncoloured or cracked. The shape of the cheese is usually an animal, a parzenica, a heart or a small spindle. The colour of the cheese is white, although it may be darker, especially at the skin. The inside is elastic. As a rule the taste is spicy, but it can also be a bit salty; deviations from the traditional taste are admitted.
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